Throughout 2021, the Virginia Chamber conducted a series of statewide, regional, and industry-specific surveys. The results of the survey were used to inform the policy recommendations of Blueprint Virginia 2030.
Which skills are most critical to developing the workforce of the future?
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Time management, leadership, etc.
Technical writing, public speaking, etc.
More than a high school diploma, less than a 4-year degree
What do you believe is the greatest barrier to the expansion of available internship and other work-based learning opportunities in Virginia?
The need for greater connectivity between employers and educational institutions
Student readiness for work-based learning
Lack of centralized and authoritative hub for internship opportunities and jobseekers
Which of these policies would have the greatest negative impact on your business?
Repeal of Virginia’s Right-to-Work Law
Increased Regulation
Increased Corporate Income Tax Rate
“Virginia’s legal climate is a significant consideration in a business’ decision on whether to locate or expand here.”
“Virginia’s economy is headed in the right direction.”
“Virginia has an environment that encourages entrepreneurs and businesses to innovate.”
“Virginia is doing a good job preparing the workforce that businesses need.”
Do you agree or disagree that international trade is good for Virginia’s economy?
Are you concerned about an increasing burdensome regulatory landscape in Virginia?
“It is important for Virginians to have access to affordable and quality housing.”
Where do you think Virginia should be concentrating its transportation infrastructure investments?
Building & maintaining roads & bridges
“Small businesses should be able to consolidate their risk pool and benefit from lower health care costs through a benefits consortium.”
What is most appealing to you regarding Virginia’s business climate?
Geographic location
Talented workforce
Entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses would see more success in Virginia if the Commonwealth provided:
A more appealing regulatory and tax structure
More seed funding
Additional mentorship and advisory services
Which of these tools would be the most helpful for your business to encourage hiring veterans as they transition out of the military
Standard definition of military skill sets that translate to civilian industries
Veterans mentoring services (Create onboarding programs to assist transition of veteran new hires)
Tax incentives for hiring veterans
If Virginia could make additional investments in education and workforce development programs, where should the additional investments go?
Internships, Apprenticeships, and Other Work-Based Learning
Community Colleges
Early Childhood Education